
Safe at any moment and any place

We offer a complete protection service to our clients, from the arrival till departure from the city, attendance to events, transport, with a highly qualified and trained personnel.



Detect and understand the risks and threats we have is the first step in our security plan. Analyzing the environment surrounding our client as organization or individuals, will provide us the information we need to identify the threats and risks and will be able to advise and recommend measures to avoid a dangerous situation. Considering in each moment as most important the fact that the client must carry out with his routine with the minimum intrusion in his personal space by the security measures and personal. Our risk management expertise helps clients to protect property, information and reputation. We combine tailored risk assessment with security planning and management. 



Close protection services should be as effective and unobtrusive as posible, ensuring the client’s safety and minimizing exposure to risks will reduce potential liability and enhance the reputation and stability of our client.

Our team provides extensive pre-travel planning and coverage in the most discret possible way.

Highly experienced in assisiting individuals from professional sports, private bussines, diplomatic, celebrity and entertainment sectors, our close protection team guarantee at all times: safety, security and confidenciality.



Information is the most valueble asset that a person or a company has. How many times did you thougt back to any decision you made saynig “if only i’d known this beafore”?

Colecting and analising all the informations alows you to develope the best strategy for your bussines, also helps protect your own information.



Ground transportation is a critical part of a secure travel plan.

Our securty drivers are properly trained to discreetly transport the clients to all venues in a safe and timely manner, and have the ability to react to any hostile threats using driving skills and their wide experience.



Advance risk survey should be conducted during the planning phase of any travel and prior to the arrival of any client to identify areas of concern. By conducting proper surveys, risks can be identified and mitigated and time management strategies can be implemented.

Our Executive Protection experts are trained to identify the safest and most time-efficient route to and from any venues to be visited. Establishing and identifying the nearest medical facilities, law enforcement agencies and a safe zone is of the utmost importance. It is imperative to visually inspect all venues where personnel will be visiting.

Safe and timely access to the facility, an uneventful and comfortable time at the venue, and a safe and timely departure are the key elements to the services which provides to its clients.


Get in Touch

Do you have any question? 

Or team will answer your doubts as soon as posible.


Our 24/7 phone line is available for all your any information.


Madrid, Ibiza, Barcelona